Our Research Publications

The extensive research conducted to develop and test myPlan’s effectiveness is supported and published in high-impact journals.

Concerned friends of intimate partner violence survivors: results from the myPlan randomized controlled trial on college campuses. BMC Public Health 2023

Safety decision-making and planning mobile app for intimate parnter violence prevention and response: randomised controlled trial in Kenya. BMJ Global Health 2020

Responding to intimate partner violence: Healthcare providers' current practices and views on integrating a safety decision aid into primary care settings. Research in Nursing and Health 2018

The longitudinal impact of an internet safety decision aid for abused women. American Journal of Preventative Medicine 2017

Developing an app for college women in abusive same-sex relationships and their friends. Journal of Homosexuality 2016

Use of online safety decision aid by abused women: Effect on decisional conflict in a randomized controlled trial. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 2016

A safety app to respond to dating violence for college women and their friends: The myPlan Study randomized controlled trial protocol. BMC Public Health 2015

Development of the myPlan safety decision app with friends of college women in abusive dating relationships. Journal of Technology in Human Services 2015

Feasibility of an online safety planning intervention for rural and urban pregnant abused women. Nursing Research 2014

Survivor feedback on a safety decision aid smartphone application for college-age women in abusive relationships. Journal of Technology in Human Services 2013

Computerized aid improves safety decision process for survivors of intimate partner violence. Journal of Interpersonal Violence 2010