
myPlan Advocate Toolkit

With over 40% of women and over 25% of men experiencing domestic violence in their lifetime, domestic violence advocates play a vital role in supporting the needs and rights of millions of people every year.

Domestic violence advocates provide expert, compassionate, life-saving services to survivors. They empower survivors to create individualized safety plans, connect to and navigate critical services, and provide emotional support for both immediate safety and long-term goals. Unfortunately, not all survivors have an advocate. Barriers preventing access include fear, stigma, a lack of knowledge about available resources, bad experiences with social services, ineligibility for services, not enough services to meet the need, and much more. 

The truth is, MOST abuse survivors don’t ever talk to an advocate or receive safety planning services. That’s why domestic violence survivors, DV advocates, and healthcare providers came together to meticulously develop the myPlan app: a research-backed, completely free, anonymous, tech-based resource that expands access to personalized safety planning.

While an app can never replace the expertise of a real-life DV advocate, myPlan’s mobile app and web-browser version can expand access to safety information by reaching more survivors who aren’t engaged in services. Advocates can add myPlan as a resource for survivors they don’t have the opportunity to meaningfully engage with, or use alongside case management as a tool to prime clients for creating a safety plan. This is why we’ve created a free and comprehensive advocate toolkit to integrate myPlan into your existing resources.

The free toolkit includes:

  • An advocate toolkit guide

  • A user safety guide (English & Spanish)

  • Flyers and handouts (English & Spanish)

  • An on-demand webinar and social media kit

  • And so much more!

Get your free DV advocate toolkit 👇

 What DV advocates are saying about myPlan

I really appreciated the decision-making portion of your app and think it can aid our advocates in working with clients to identify what safety means for them and their priorities.


We love myPlan and have incorporated it into our services. It improves the ability to safety plan and do so in a way that is technologically acceptable by today's standards.


It feels private, I think survivors will tell the app things they may never tell an advocate.


What’s included in the advocate toolkit?

Let clients know about myPlan with these downloadable materials.

Flyers & Handouts

Email Template & Presentation Materials

Share myPlan with your networks to get the word out.

Presentation Materials & Email Template

Introduce myPlan to staff with customizable templates.

Share myPlan with your networks with this series of visuals and messaging.

Social Media Posts

Who is the toolkit for?

Domestic Violence Advocates & Service Providers

For advocates and providers working in domestic violence programs, crime victim services, or other community agencies serving intimate partner violence survivors.